3 Characteristics To Look For In CCTV Camera


Closed-circuit television


Closed-circuit television cameras (Closed-circuit television), can help protect your business from theft as well as vandalism. They also help catch criminals who steal or alter your business's assets. This is applicable to a variety of business, including retail shops, office buildings, and multifamily residential buildings like apartment buildings.

It's difficult to pick the right equipment for you given the numerous possibilities. It is best to let an expert assist in choosing the devices that meet your requirements. Below are three crucial characteristics of CCTV cameras.

High Resolution

High resolution is a key feature CCTV camera. The resolution of your camera may be the difference between blurry, noisy footage that blocks out important events , or clear, high-quality photos that permit you to see who is in a scene. You should consider buying the highest resolution camera you can afford.

It is important to note that based on whether you are purchasing analog or digital equipment the resolution you should strive for will differ. Digital cameras convert analog signals to digital images by sending the images to a DVR. A camera analog can be set with resolutions that range from the 450TVL (TV lines) up to 700TVL (or up to 960H by 48W pixels).

You also need to consider the maximum resolution of your DVR into consideration when buying this camera. Your DVR can only digitize images with the highest resolution. Even if you have a 700TVL camera you'll still get low-quality images if your DVR can only record at 500TVL, for example. To ensure the best quality picture, be sure your DVR has a high-resolution.

Digital cameras, on the other hand, format images within the camera's own software and transmit the images to the recording device. Technically, digital cameras don't have an upper limit on their resolution. Rather, you'll need to make sure that the resolution is in line with the amount of storage space available on the media you're recording.


Recordings of Day and Night

If you will be recording for 24 hours it is recommended to invest in cameras that can capture images in low-light conditions. These cameras typically have built-in night vision or infrared lighting which gives the contrast the camera requires to produce clear images even when it's dark in the areas that are being recorded.

Two options are available for purchasing CCTV camera, in this category. The first is a typical-sized camera for daytime use that comes with an evening setting. It can record at night in low-light settings and switches between white and black. These cameras can be used when there is a little light such as a nightlight or the moon.

Infrared lights are best for areas where there is no lighting. The light is usually installed inside the camera, and it provides enough ambient illumination for the camera to take photographs.

Remote Access

Another feature to be looking for in the camera is one that is able to be controlled remotely. In today's world of apps it is usually the case of installing an app on your phone or tablet and controlling the camera as well as accessing the video via an internet connection. Certain cameras let you view the video feed via a special website.

Regardless of how you connect to your CCTV camera device, being able to control them remotely lets you easily keep track of your business anytime you like without putting yourself in danger's way. This is especially useful when you travel or simply want to make sure employees aren't having fun every time you leave your premises.